Veterans Benefits for Home Care

As the aging veterans population increases across the country, the need for tailored senior care becomes a significant concern for them and their families. Financial considerations can often pose a great challenge.
Numerous elderly individuals who have served in the U.S. military—whether in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, or Coast Guard—are unaware they might qualify for in-home personal care benefits provided by the Veterans Administration (VA).

Who Qualifies For Veterans Benefits?

If your loved one served in the U.S. military, they might be eligible for financial assistance to cover the costs of home care. Veterans can qualify for personal home care or health benefits through the VA if they meet the following conditions:

– They served in the active military, naval, or air service and were separated under any condition other than dishonorable.

– They are current or former members of the Reserves or National Guard who were called to active duty (other than for training purposes only) by a federal order and completed the entire period for which they were called or ordered to active duty.

Care Services for Aging Adults

How Do Veterans Benefits Work

Aid and Attendance benefits

Veterans receiving a VA pension might be eligible for Aid and Attendance benefits if they require assistance with daily activities, are bedridden, reside in a nursing home, or have impaired vision. Veterans may qualify for "Housebound" benefits if they must remain at home for the majority of the time due to a permanent disability. Typically, these benefits are paid directly to the veteran and are added to their monthly pension.

Community Care Network benefits

Veterans who qualify for Community Care Network benefits might receive assistance with home health care expenses. Eligible veterans will be assigned a service care coordinator, who will assess the number of care hours needed per week and help the family find local caregivers. Community Care Network benefits are paid directly to partner organizations.

When Should Seniors Apply For Veterans’ Benefits?

The ideal time to apply for home care benefits through the VA is before your loved one needs them. Processing times for applications can be long, so it’s best to start the application process as early as possible to avoid having to pay out of pocket for in-home care while waiting for approval.

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